Educational Initiatives is a division of EPN that launched in 2013. In addition to funding grassroots projects that help those living in poverty, End Poverty Now is dedicated to educating First World communities on the complexities of poverty and poverty alleviation. We aim to create and sustain a youth-driven discussion around the causes, manifestations, possible solutions, and definitions of poverty, through creating:

ONLINE RESOURCES (Click to view)

Short, easy-to-follow publications on poverty-related topics, which can be used by anyone interested in poverty issues, and as classroom resources.


EPN organizes local projects with the goal of discovering and sharing people’s varied perspectives on poverty, and providing people with information on how they can help support great causes.

Collaborate with us!

We are looking for educators in the Montreal region who are interested in teaching youths about poverty issues. If you are interested in creating an educational project with us (we are open to all ideas!), please contact our Director of Education at

© 2016 End Poverty Now